I first met Kelly in college – she went to high school of one of my college roommates – Rachel 🙂 {You may remember Rachel’s wonderful wedding from last year that I had the honor to be in at Riley Jacques Barn}
So when Kelly emailed about photographing their wedding in Chicago – I was just elated!  Kelly is such a kind and classy girl I knew her wedding would be phenomenal – and phenomenal it was.  🙂
After hair and makeup, the girls got ready at the swanky Kinzie hotel and then they met up for the first look, i just adore the expression of sheer excitement on Kelly’s face for those – she is just stunning!  We had a cute Chicago trolley taking us around town.  I especially loved when a gentleman boarded the trolley thinking it was public transit and when Kelly’s awesome dad invited a random strange on board for a picture 🙂  Then came the beautiful rooftop ceremony – everything was held at EPIC restaurant and was completely picturesque 🙂  The weather held out well for us all throughout the day.
Kelly and Grant – we can’t thank you enough for letting us be part of your day – you have wonderful friends and family and we are honored to have been part of your wedding!  May you have a blessed marriage 🙂
Karin 🙂
Amazing pictures done by a true professional that captured the love between Grant & Kelly. Windy city transformed into wedding city. Great backdrops to this event.
Glad to be a part of this epic marriage.
Love Always,
Auntie Karen & Uncle Daryl
Al l we can say is “Grant? You grew up good!”
We met the Kaisers when our son Aaron and Grant met in Kindergarten. Probably changed both their lives and definitely changed ours with a wonderful friendship!
Grant, we are so proud of you and wish you and Kelly a very blessed and loving marriage.
You have a wonderful example with your Mom and Dad!
Love you,
Gary and Cindy
WOW, are those gorgeous pictures or what! What a beautiful couple. Congratulations and wishes for a happy, fun-filled life together.