Thanks all for the patience!  It has been a busy few weeks since we took a break from giveaways to do our annual “Best of DnK 2011” contest!!  We’re picking back up with a beautiful head piece by Pris!


Here’s the scoop:

Here at DnK We are starting something new during the season of winter.  During the winter months {at least in Minnesota} weddings slow down a bit – so – we thought it would be a great time to feature some fabulous artists from who sell wedding related items!  Each week we are going to feature a new artist and they’ll tell you a bit about who they are/why they do and what they love about weddings – then they are going to GIVEAWAY one of their works of art!


Here’s how it works:

At the end of the blog post you have 3 options - make a separate comment for each one so you can have up to three chances to win!  {Each winner is randomly selected by}

1 – ‘like’ DnK Photography on Facebook {once your a fan – just declare that in your first comment!}

2 – ‘like’/’friend’ Pris on her Facebook page {once your a fan – just declare that in your second comment!}

3 – tell us what your favorite product is from Pris’ Etsy Store!



So here we go!  I am so very excited to introduce Pris – of Design by Pris – she makes beautiful headpieces, jewelery, accessories and more!
How you got started with your Etsy store/craft of trade?

I still remember how wonderful it was to get all my wedding accessories custom handmade and how important details are for a “dream wedding”; therefore, I would also like to be able to help other brides to create the perfect wedding accessories in the same way I did mine.
I began to design and create handmade hair adornments for brides at Design by Pris on Etsy since February 2010. My studio is a home-based where I usually work on my free time that I have from taking care of my two young children.

Your favorite thing about weddings?
My favorite thing about a wedding is to see a happy moment of two people who want share “one love” forever, to see a beautiful bride and a fine looking groom, to see a smile on their faces, to see their hard work of find all their dream wedding elements come in place to create their wonderful day to remember for a life time.


Pris has offered to giveaway a beautiful veil – perfect as a wedding day veil, groom’s dinner/rehearsal veil, girl’s bachelorette night on the town and more!


Comment below for your chance{s} to win these!!  Contest for the hairpiece ends at NOON on the 31st of January – winner announced that afternoon. Get your name in the mix!!  {Three times!}

DnK Etsy Giveaways 2011 was last modified: January 14th, 2016 by DnK Photography