One of the unique things about being wedding photographers is that come March and early April in MN things slow way down…. The weather here is pretty much miserable so the last few years we’ve packed up the car and headed out of town for awhile. This year we traversed 10 states drove nearly 5000 miles and spent over 60 hrs in the car. That might sound miserable to some people, but the scenery and stops along the way always make it totally worthwhile. We always return with a new appreciation for this awesome country… and our Saab station wagon. We’re very thankful to God for the blessing us with jobs we love and time to spend with one another; can’t complain about that!

The first stop on our trip was at Matagorda Island just outside of Port O’Connor, TX. It’s an isolated park that requires a boat to reach. As you can see, it was beautiful and the dogs loved it! However, high winds with blowing sand cut this portion of our trip short and we headed on towards Tucson, AZ. Karin’s grandparents live there and we always enjoy the good weather and great food. After Tucson, we headed north to Sedona, AZ where we camped and hiked and then on towards home doing some hiking and sightseeing in Colorado.

Hope you enjoy the photos!

S/ SW road trip 2011 was last modified: April 27th, 2011 by DnK Photography