Today we’re hibernating as it is reeeeeeeally cold here in MN – so we thought we would have a little fun!


Dan hooked the hose up to the shower in the basement and cranked up the hot water!!  Below is what ensued….


D thought wearing his rain coat would be a good idea 😉

Frozen Steamy Ice Water

Mostly the water turned to steam – but until it got hot enough it would just turn into iceballs

It’s amazing how quickly the water turns to ice – this is a hose we’re using people – water comes out fast!!

Typical Minnesota – freeeeeeeezing cold and blue sunny skies!

Frozen Steamy Ice Water

I just love how you can see the little frozen bits of water and their steamy tails 🙂

Frozen Steamy Ice Water

Homeschooling mothers around the state rejoice!!  Science experiments all day! No school? Not on days like this 😉

Frozen Steamy Ice Water was last modified: January 6th, 2014 by DnK Photography